Center for Work and Democracy

El Centro del Trabajo y Democracia

Amplifying voices

The Center for Work and Democracy was founded in 2019 to connect university knowledge production to the challenges facing working people in our increasingly unequal and exclusionary society. The video on the right tells the Center's story.

The Center understands that working people have been marginalized in our polity, and conducts research with organizations whose missions are to increase the voice and power of the working class in order to support greater social change.

About us

Project spotlight

Beyond the NLRB: Contemporary Strategies and Practices for Labor Movement Renewal

Benjamin Y. Fong Michael McQuarrie, and Maria Esch

This research looks at different worker empowerment strategies outside of the National Labor Relations Board model that have potential to build the political power of working people or redistribute social wealth.

Learn more

Group of protesters march dressed in red.

Upcoming events

Labor Power and Strategy-- A Talk with John Womack

On April 3, 2025, John Womack will visit ASU's Tempe campus for a two-part event. First, Womack will host a webinar from…


  Virtual (via Zoom), In person (West Hall room 135)

UNITE HERE Information Session

The Center for Work and Democracy is proud to support and elevate the work of UNITE HERE Local 11. Join us for their on-…


  Wilson Hall, room 516

Open House Luncheons

Join CWD staff, RAs, faculty affiliates, board members, and other allies for updates on the Center, networking, lunch,…


  Wilson Hall, 4th floor, near room 434

"One of the things I really love about the Center is that it approaches scholarship in a way that I think is valuable and necessary... We use academic modes of training and we try to create research that we can share with the broader public"

– Rashad Shabazz, Advisory Board Member

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