

Capturing what we do

Our impact in photos

At the Center for Work and Democracy, we create, attend, and support a variety of events tied to our mission of working-class empowerment. In "Media", we show our perspective on the work we do and on the world around us.

"Where there's people, there's power"

– The community at George Floyd Square

Guest Speakers

Selfie from a group of six people.
Center staff members (left to right) Ben Fong, Jorge Hernandes, Maria Esch, Muriel Payraudeau, and Ben Case pose with guest speaker Jennifer Silva after her talk, "Pain and Politics in the Heart of America."
Woman leaning on her hands standing at a podium.
Jennifer Silva lectures the crowd at West Hall during her presentation "Pain and Politics in the Heart of America."
Woman, seated, speaks into a microphone.
Members of the crowd ask Silva about her research during the event's Q&A portion.
Woman seated on a stair, hands folded under her chin.
Center Assistant Director Carolyn Forbes watches "Pain and Politics in the Heart of America," engaged from the sidelines.
Woman gesturing, leaning against a lecturn.
Jennifer Silva responds with gusto to a question from the audience.
Members of a crowd sit in a semi-circle. A gentleman speaks into a microphone.
Associate Director Ben Fong asks Silva a question from the crowd.
A crowd of seated people facing a woman in a blue sweater at the front of the room.
The event crowd listens to Jennifer Silva as she lectures.
Sign for the Zoe West event outside of West Hall
Preparing for an exciting day of events with Zoe West!
Seated woman in a crowd speaks into a microphone.
Members of the audience chime in with questions for West.
Woman speaking at the front of a classroom
Dr. Zoë West gives her presentation "From Precarity to Possibility" to the crowd at West Hall.
Woman speaking at a podium
West's talk dives into the details of a new style of "promotora" program that links workers with advocates from their own communities.
The audience listens to Deva Woodly at the "Politics of Care" event on April 4, 2024
The audience listens to Deva Woodly at the "Politics of Care" event on April 4, 2024
Deva Woodly talks to the audience at "The Politics of Care" event
Deva Woodly and Michael McQuarrie speak during "The Politics of Care" on April 4, 2024.
Deva Woodly and Michael McQuarrie speak during "The Politics of Care" on April 4, 2024.
Fred Block speaks behind podium at event.
Fred Block presents to the audience at the "When the Old is Dying and the New Cannot be Born: Understanding the Blocked Transition to a Habitation Society" event in West Hall.
Fred Block and Craig Calhoun discuss in front of the audience.
Fred Block and Craig Calhoun discuss the keys to creating a habitation society at their event in West Hall.
Audience asks questions at the Fred Block Speaker Event in West Hall.
The audience asks questions during the Q&A section of Fred Block's presentation.
CWD's Ben Case asks a question to Fred Block and Craig Calhoun.
During their presentation, CWD's Ben Case asks Fred Block and Craig Calhoun a question.

George Floyd Square, Rise and Remember 2023

24 demands written on four large sheets of plywood
The 24 Demands written by the community at 38th and Chicago.
"No justice no streets" written on a bus shelter
Community art in the Square: "No justice, no streets."
Image of a field filled with white headstones.
The "Say Their Names" memorial: mourning the deaths and celebrating the lives of Black Americans killed by law enforcement.
Sign that reads: Welcome to George Floyd Square, A Community
Welcome to George Floyd Square: A Community
Red rose and a slice of banana bread.
Bread and roses in GFS.
Sign readings "Say Their Names"
Directions to the Say Their Names memorial.
Sign reading "Ubuntu, Rise & Remember, May 25-27!"
"Ubuntu:" I am, because we are.
Community bookshelf in George Floyd Square.
Alongside their greenhouse and the People's Closet, the community at GFS has created a miniature library to serve their neighborhood.
woman crouches, touching up a mural in recognition of Donavan Starlen Mountain
Memorial art was touched up before the events of Rise and Remember. This individual helped to finish painting the name of Donavan Starlen Mountain to honor his memory.
large wooden fist sculpture
A large wooden fist on permanent display in George Floyd Square.
many hands fill five-gallon buckets with rose petals
Volunteers pluck the petals off of dozens of roses in preparation for the procession to and through the Say Their Names memorial during the candlelight vigil on May 25th.
a large group of mourners processes through a field of white headstones.
Mourners process through the Say Their Names memorial as the sun lowers on May 25th.
A marching band leads the procession down the mourning passage.
Brass Solidarity leads the procession down the Mourning Passage and toward the Say Their Names memorial during the candlelight vigil.
Woman points, rallying a crowd.
During the memorial, the "Gatekeeper" of GFS rallies the crowd while local musicians perform.
A crowd raises their fists.
Mourners at the candlelight vigil raise their fists in solidarity.
Two men walk, arms around one another.
Center board member Rashad Shabazz and Center Director Michael McQuarrie embrace after viewing an emotional musical performance at the candlelight vigil.
Six people pose in front of Prince's house: Paisley Park.
CWD personnel pose in front of Paisley Park, the location of the George Floyd Global Memorial's 2023 Fundraising Gala.
A man speaks at a podium in front of a large GFGM logo.
Ndaba Mandela, grandson of the late Nelson Mandela, gives the keynote address at the GFGM Fundraising Gala.
Posters reading: "We do not want your precinct here! Nor there! We do not want it any-where!"
Posters in George Floyd Square reflect the character and convictions of the autonomous zone.
Art of George Floyd
Original protest art, this particular piece depicting George Floyd, lined the streets at the Rise and Remember community Festival.
Art depicting a hardwood tree and a fist intertwined. It reads: "Racial trauma runs deep, but together we rise"
Protest art displayed at the Rise and Remember Festival highlights the pain brought on by systemic racism and the power of unity in combatting it.
A memorial reads "love."
The corner of 38th and Chicago, where George Floyd was lynched on May 25th, 2020, hosts a memorial that continues to grow as mourners leave offerings in Floyd's honor.
Mural reads: "You changed the world, George"
A mural in the Square reads: "You changed the world, George."
Large piece of community art.
At the Rise and Remember Festival, visitors and community members alike were asked to paint their emotions from May 25th, 2020-- when they first learned of George Floyd's murder and the uprising began.

2023-2024 Internal Strategy Meeting

group of seven people, some seated some standing, posing for a photo
Members of our staff and advisory board pose for a group photo at our 2023-2024 internal strategy meeting.
Three people, seated, smiling for a photo.
Staff members Jorge, Muriel, and Ben smile for the camera.
Four people converse, some seated, others standing.
Marcus and Michael share a word during the meeting with Ashley and Carolyn do the same.
People gather at a set of tables, talking in earnest.
The team sits down to discuss major events and publications for the year, mapping them out on large calendars.
Two women hold up and point to a large calendar page.
Maria and Muriel lead the discussion in choosing event dates for the big year ahead of us at the CWD.